Monday, April 25, 2011

It's more than just tics.....really!

How many times have I shared about my son's Tourette Syndrome, only to be told, "I just don't see it....he seems so 'normal'."  Duh!  He is normal....he just happens to also have TS!

We are among the fortunate, my son's tics are not as severe as a lot of others.  He usually suppresses a lot of it, and then lets it all out at home.  There are pros and cons to PRO - is that his classmates are not always aware that he has TS and never think twice about it.  CON - his teachers or other adults may not understand the amount of energy and effort he is putting forth to keep control of his tics and assume his life is just peachy.  What they don't see is the tic explosions at home, the rage outbursts, the meltdowns, and frustrations from holding it in all day.  Or the havoc that it can play on family life.

Ever had a night when the whole evening crumbled in front of your eyes, because you made the mistake of mentioning one thing for dinner, and ended up having to make something else?  Or been in line at DisneyWorld for that favorite ride you promised, only to have them tell you the ride is being shut down....which leads to a major meltdown.  Everyone thinks you have a bratty kid, and in the meantime you're trying to save the day for your child and for your family.  Disney is a little less magical at that point.

Sometimes I've secretly wished for the tics to explode more in public, just so others will see we're not faking it!  Others without TS seem to think that motor or verbal tics are the worst of it all.  And granted, they are no joy, and we struggle with those at times too.  However, the "unseens" have caused more heartache in our family than the tics.  You can't exactly explain to the family in front of you at DisneyWorld that your child has anxiety issues and OCD.....and he really can't control the way he's acting.  And why should we owe anyone an explanation to begin with?

So yes, it's more than tics.....way more than just tics.....